
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Company has an Internal Compliance and Audit Department. which reports directly to the Audit and Risk Management Committee, is responsible for ensuring that the main operations and important financial activities of the Company have followed Prescriptive and effective approach Including compliance with laws and regulations related to the Company and the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

so that the Compliance and Internal Audit Department is independent The Board of Directors therefore assigns the supervisor in charge of the Compliance and Internal Audit Department to act as the secretary of the Audit Committee. and another risk management position In addition, a meeting was held to directly report the audit results to the board. Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee

Board of Directors Have the intention to conduct business under the principles of good corporate governance. according to the regulations of Securities and Exchange Commission Is the main factor in strengthening the organization to have a management system efficient work and is the basis for sustainable business growth. corporate governance of the company Distributed to all directors and employees. to uphold and practice The important points are as follows:

Corporate Governance Principles of Xspring Capital Public Company Limited (มหาชน)

  1. Company's working philosophy
  2. Board Policy
  3. Board structure
  4. duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
  5. The performance of the Board of Directors
  6. duties and responsibilities of the management
  7. Conflict of Interest Policy
  8. Policy on internal control system and risk management
  9. Policy on accounting and financial transactions
  10. Policy on securities trading
  11. Policy on social responsibility

The Board of Directors, therefore, has established good corporate governance principles in accordance with the corporate governance policy for efficient and effective performance of duties and adhering to compliance with relevant laws or regulations of the agency. that oversees in all respects Used as a guideline for improving and developing various policies to have standards and efficiency.